
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

No free time

I have not posted in a few days and will be MIA for a few more. My grandmother passed away yesterday morning, so we are preparing for her final farewell. Be back with you all soon.

Ruth Ellen Osgood Ashworth

Monday, April 16, 2012

Back on the Wagon

To say I fell off the wagon would be wrong- but it is the only way I can put it. During my time at my mom's house, I was a little more relaxed on what I eat as far as Nutrisystem food goes, but I always tried to make it reasonable- like having a sushi roll for dinner, or a meal comparable in calories.

My downfall, however, was drinking. I had a few drinks a few nights with a friend. My weight spiked a little, but I think I can get it down with a lot of water lol.

I jumped back on my nutrisystem food today, after having a small binge last night. My grandmother is back in ICU and it does not look good. They are starting the funeral planning. Her lungs are completely white on xray and shes on oxygen and morphine. Her O2 stats will not go about about 40%. I needed food. It is my only source of comfort these days. :(

Back on it! Back to working out this week too. Cannot let all my hard earned progress slip away. I can smell 200.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Temporary Relocation

Well we are all settled in at my Mom's house to house sit with all of the animals. It should be a long and torturous week. LOL.

Husband played easter bunny for all of the kids this morning, and brought me a huge teddy bear (which he hasn't done since highschool when I collected them) and said it was because he knew I couldn't eat a ton of chocolate. Then I found two hidden bags of Reeses eggs which is likely going to kill me.

I get to spend this whole week at my mom's house, which means I will be really homesick when I get back to my house next week. It is going to be pure torture! I will be struggling to not gorge myself on everything because I am sad. Hubby is traveling a lot these days, which leaves me a lot of alone time. Luckily, as long as I do not shop and stock the house with junk, I stay away from it because I cannot just hop up and go to the store for it.

I have done good today. Because we are all alone, there is no big Easter Sunday meal for me to eat. This means my sad little lunch was NutriSystem chicken cacciatore. It was good, but it was no ham, mac and cheese and green beans. :(

On the up side, I TORE IT UP at the gym the other night. I finally tackled the stairmaster. I only did 10 flights of steps, but I still finally did it and it wasn't near as torturous as I thought it would be. I then rocked the tread, both front and backwards, on a high incline and spent some time on the elliptical. For once I did not want to die after that, which means I am getting more stamina. I also rotated all of the cardio with weights and machines, since I know I have been neglecting my upper body. I was SO SORE for the first time in a while. It was satisfying.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Taking a Break

Most diet methods do not advocate taking a whole day to eat whatever, but today I decided I needed a break. It was a rough few days with the kids, and I have done great for 3 weeks and am down 8 lbs, so I decided to have a nice dinner and a few drinks when the kids went to bed. Dammit I deserve it!!
I stayed on track through lunch, and then decided I wanted food. I made a cocktail and had some pizza. HOORAY. Now I no longer feel like I am going to binge on everything.

Back to the grind, and the gym, tomorrow, as hubby will be home.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Honestly, for a day or two, my husband was so supportive. Suggesting my fav mexican place for dinner, not so much. And last nights dinner, Applebees. And the night before... seriously, I am losing it.

Tonight I did okay. I had a half of a half order of fajita nachos, which was just chicken, beans, a little cheese and some chips.

Last night I DID give in to Applebees, but only because they have both weight watchers and under 550 calorie meals. I had a little sirloin steak with a spinach stuffed mushroom with a few roasted potato chunks. Pretty tasty.

I regretted it at about 6 am when I started having a gallbladder attack. Miserable as usual. I took some meds and went to sleep. When I woke up, thankfully it was done.