
Friday, January 20, 2012

Weight gain, eating and skipping

I had the greatest breakfast. It was a smoothie made of ice, low fat pina colada yogurt, pineapple, bananas and an avocado with some pineapple orange juice. It was pretty tasty. I think I will add some fresh carrot juice to the next one I make. That will add some veggies to it.

My weight is up. New all time high. I don't feel like I have been eating more than normal, so I don't know what to blame other than no exercise. Some days I feel like I am fighting a losing battle.

My foot hurts worse. I still think I have a stress fracture. No doubt it is from my weight. The other ankle kills, too.

I tried to teach Amelia to skip. I couldn't do it. I couldn't seem to hop... at all. :(

Pity party. I know I need to just change the way I do things, but I am not, and I should be.


  1. You know I love you but it sounds like there is LOTS of fruit in the day to day diet, might part of the issue be the constant influx of sugar without enough momentum to burn it off? I know how miserable it is to do the low carb thing, but for those of us that don't burn off the sugars in stuff it really is the best short term option. Once the weight starts to come down and its more comfortable to exercise you can add them back in and increase the activity level. It's second nature to me these days, I know just what to grab and snack on without beating my head against the wall.

  2. There is a lot of fruit... for breakfast mostly. I figure it is far better for me to choose something involving fruit than some other sweet. Right now I have been focusing on better options. I read something that stuck with me...
    When dieting, don't do something you aren't willing to do for the rest of your life.
